材料 Ingredients: 半顆紅蘿蔔 half carrot 一顆洋蔥 one onion 一粒小的沙葛 a small jicama 一粒雞蛋 one egg 一湯匙半的薯粉 1 and half tbsp of tapioca starch 半湯匙的麻油 half tbsp of sesame oil 半至一湯匙的鹽 1 or half tbsp of salt 半至一湯匙的五香粉 1 or half tbsp of five spice powder 一湯匙的紹興酒(或其他料酒) 1 tbsp of shaoxing wine(or others cooking wine) 500克的豬肉碎 500g of minced pork